Regular price 15,00 €
Tax included.

Only 3 items in stock!

Bague réglable en acier inoxydable 

Ajustable jusqu’à la taille 60-62 maximum 

Si tu veux la personnaliser avec d'autres charms, n'hésite pas à me contacter.


Créé tes propres combinaisons de bijoux et n'hésite pas à nous les partager sur Insta : @lj_crea68

Standard delivery
Up to 4 business days
Up to 4 business days

You have 14 days after receipt of your order to change your mind and request a refund under certain conditions:

  • All returned products must be new, unused and in their original condition and packaging at the time of return. Products showing signs of wear will not be refunded.
  • Products offered or on sale are neither returned nor exchanged.
  • Return costs are exclusively the responsibility of the customer.
  • Any returned packages for which no element allows the sender to be identified (last name, first name, address, order number) cannot be taken back.
  • We only replace an item if it is defective or damaged.
  • Item modified by size or personalized with charms, non-exchangeable and non-refundable.