Charms Sucette - Rose Gourmand

Charms Sucette - Rose Gourmand

Regular price 3,00 €
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Charms "Sucette - Rose Gourmand"

Ajoutez une touche de fantaisie et de douceur à votre bracelet ou collier avec ce charms en forme de sucette colorée.

Fabriqué en acier inoxydable doré, ce bijou est orné d'une spirale élégante de rose et de blanc pour un effet ludique et sucré.

Résistant et léger, il est parfait pour apporter une note amusante et originale à vos accessoires. Son design gourmand évoque la douceur de l’enfance, tout en restant chic et moderne.

Taille 3,5cm de long

Standard delivery
Up to 4 business days
Up to 4 business days

You have 14 days after receipt of your order to change your mind and request a refund under certain conditions:

  • All returned products must be new, unused and in their original condition and packaging at the time of return. Products showing signs of wear will not be refunded.
  • Products offered or on sale are neither returned nor exchanged.
  • Return costs are exclusively the responsibility of the customer.
  • Any returned packages for which no element allows the sender to be identified (last name, first name, address, order number) cannot be taken back.
  • We only replace an item if it is defective or damaged.
  • Item modified by size or personalized with charms, non-exchangeable and non-refundable.